What do you want to practice?
- Build Instructions
→ Your turn: Services section
→ Your turn: Showcase section
→ Your turn: Why Us section
→ Your turn: Testimonials section
→ Your turn: The footer
- Polishing the breakpoints
Configure layouts for other devices
→ Your Turn: Finish the breakpoint layouts
- Wrap up
Checkpoint (survey)
Congratulations! (+course recommendations)
[Optional] Build more sections
Get extra section-building practice by creating more sections for the carpentry site! Create a new section from scratch, work with the media slider, update the mobile and tablet layouts, etc.
This optional course will take you through the rest of the steps needed to complete the home page for our carpentry client. For each of the remaining sections, we'll show you an image of the section we're going to build, describe what you'll need to do to build it, and provide the steps.
Complete them all or pick and choose the sections you want to build as you have time.
As with any set of skills you're wanting to learn, practice makes you better — give these sections a try!
If you complete all of the lessons in this course, you'll:
- duplicate columns to replicate the design elements within that column (saving you time!)
- create new section from scratch by dragging widgets into an empty column
- use the Media Slider widget to create a rotating image carousel
- practice updating layouts and formatting including font colors, background colors, and element margin, padding, size and positioning
- modify the footer with updated information and social icons
- modify links that take the user to a section (anchor) on another page
- practice modifying the layouts for tablet and mobile devices
Joining us in the middle?
This course is part of a path. If you are jumping into this course without taking the 1st course, please complete the first course or do the following before starting this course:
- Download the zip file to collect the assets you'll need
- Open the brief to find information about the site and your client
- Create a site from the Editor 2.0 Electrician template so you can build with us!
For a better experience, you should have:
- Free (or paid) Duda account — sign up
- Chrome or Safari browser
- Headphones or speakers
- Completed the previous parts of this learning path